The Different Types of Dentures Explained

If you are thinking about getting dentures in University Heights, OH, you probably want to know what your options are first…right? The good news is there are lots of different types of dentures available. So, there is something for everyone.

Let’s go over your options. Then you can decide which one is best for you.

The Different Types of Dentures Explained

Dentures are custom-made artificial teeth. Here are the different types of dentures available. Your dentist in University Heights, OH, will answer all your questions and then make a recommendation based on your specific situation.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are a complete set of upper and lower teeth. They sit on the top of your gums and replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Full dentures use either your palate or the ridge of your jawbone (depending on whether they are uppers or lowers) to hold them in place.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used when you are only missing a few teeth. Partials also sit on the top of your gums and use your palate and jawbone for support. In addition, they have clasps that hook around your natural teeth for extra support.

Temporary Dentures

Temporary dentures are also called immediate dentures. They are used for temporary tooth/teeth replacements after tooth extractions or oral surgery until you are fitted with your permanent dentures or dental implants. Wearing temporary dentures gives your jaw time to heal while still allowing you to eat.

Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge denture cements an artificial tooth and crown to one of your natural teeth. Since they are cemented in, they are not removable.

Snap-On Dentures

Snap-on dentures are removable implant-supported dentures. They have removable crowns that can be snapped into the posts of your dental implants.

Implant-Supported Fixed Dentures

Implant-supported fixed dentures are kept in place by a dental implant. These are sometimes called permanent dentures. They are not removable. And they don’t snap in and out like snap-on dentures. Only your dentist can remove them. These are great for people who don’t want to deal with removable types of dentures.

Looking for a Dentist in University Heights, OH?

Getting your smile back is pretty much priceless! So, regardless of which type of dentures you choose, you will be able to smile confidently again. Please Contact Innovative Smiles today to schedule an exam. We love making people smile! And we’ll do the same for you too!

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