Is Cosmetic Dentistry the Solution to Your Smile Situation?

Given the opportunity, would you change something about your smile? If so, you’re far from alone. According to research, more than half of Americans surveyed admitted they feel shy about their smile — even to the point of covering it with their hand or trying to smile without showing their teeth. That’s a sad statistic for such lighthearted occasions. Fortunately, your dentist in University Heights, OH, has cosmetic solutions that can help.

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve My Smile?

Cosmetic dentistry offers solutions for smile repair. This means if you’re missing one or more teeth, have teeth that are crooked or misshapen, or just have wide gaps between teeth, your dentist can help. Through the science of cosmetic dentistry, it’s possible to fix a host of dental issues, including:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Teeth that are missing or extracted
  • Teeth that are twisted
  • Discolorations

Through simple dental procedures, your dental professional can repair most imperfections, boosting your smile power and your self-confidence.

Common Types of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic procedures can be as simple as applying a teeth-whitening gel to teeth to brighten and whiten, or it can involve repeat visits for solutions such as dental implants. Some of the more common types of cosmetic dentistry include:

  • Dental veneers
  • Enamel-shaping
  • Bonding
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental implants

Solutions such as these hide flaws in your smile, and while some are more detailed than others, they’re still ideal methods of getting your smile where you’d like it to be. Your dental professional is the one who can tell you more about ways to enhance the appearance of your teeth and gums.

Cosmetic Dentistry in University Heights, OH

If you’re interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry in University Heights, OH is happy to help. We are staffed by friendly and experienced staff who work with patients of all ages. From general to cosmetic procedures, we’re your go-to choice for all your family’s dental needs. Call today to schedule a convenient time to come in and discuss our many smile solutions.

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