What to Expect With Dentures

Getting new dentures in University Heights, OH is certainly a big life event. If you’ve never had dentures before, you’re likely wondering what you can expect. Dentures remain one of the most effective solutions for missing teeth. They restore, not only appearance, but functionality of the teeth that were lost. After you get dentures, you’ll be able to eat your favorite foods again, chew and speak as before. Here’s what to expect with dentures.

Consultation and Prep

The first step to getting dentures is a consultation with your dentist. During this consultation, the dentist will take digital images and get impressions of your mouth. This information will be passed along to a dental lab, where your dentures will be manufactured according to the specifications that your dentist dictates.

Different Kinds of Dentures

You may not realize it, but there are different kinds of dentures. You and your dentist will figure out which kind is best for your needs. There are:

  • Implant-supported dentures
  • Partial dentures
  • Full dentures

In addition, there are different materials that dentures can be made with. The various materials used will inform the appearance, with higher-end materials looking the most natural. Talk to your dentist in University Heights, OH to learn all about it.

The Fitting

Once your dentures come back from the dental lab, your dentist will examine them to make sure they meet specifications. If so, then you’ll be contacted to return to the office for a fitting. During this visit, you’ll try out your new dentures for the first time. The dentist will carefully examine the fit, making any necessary adjustments. The goal during this visit is to ensure comfort, fit and function.

Getting Used to Dentures

Adjusting to dentures can take some time. Initially, they may feel strange or bulky in your mouth. You might experience increased saliva production and minor irritation. Eating and speaking with dentures will require practice. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces, and gradually introduce harder foods. Talk as much as you can to get used to speaking while wearing your dentures.

With patience, you’ll begin to feel like your dentures are a natural part of your mouth. To get started with your new dentures, contact your dentist in University Heights, OH today for an initial consultation!

4 Common Types of Dentures

Lost teeth are a frustrating, unsightly situation. Not only do they make it hard to chew and talk, but they can also derail your confidence, leaving you frustrated and uncomfortable. At Innovative Smiles, we offer dentures as a solution to missing teeth, but many patients aren’t aware that we offer multiple types of dentures. Here’s a closer look at the four most common types of dentures our University Heights dentists offer.

1. Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are the type of dentures to choose when you have just some teeth missing. They sit on your gums and use your remaining bone as support, but they also have hooks that connect to your remaining teeth to provide more security.

2. Full Dentures

For patients with extensive tooth loss, we may recommend removing the remaining teeth and fitting them for full dentures. Full dentures replace all of the teeth with a new set. They rest on the gums and use the underlying bone structure for support.

3. Implant-Supported Dentures

Patients who don’t want to mess with denture glue to keep dentures in place can choose implant-supported dentures. These hook to a dental implant in your mouth to keep them in place without glue. They can be removable but more stable than dentures using adhesive.

4. Immediate Dentures

For most dentures to fit securely, they must be custom-fitted. If you’ve had oral surgery or an extraction, your gums need time to heal before measuring your mouth for these dentures. Immediate dentures, also known as temporary dentures, are used during this time before you get measured for your custom dentures.

If you find yourself missing teeth, you aren’t alone. This is a common problem, especially as people age and the health of their gums and bones decreases. Thankfully, dentures provide a solution. Our trusted dental professionals will help you determine which type of dentures are best for your long-term health and comfort, and then we will custom-fit you for your new teeth. If you need dentures in University Heights or a surrounding community, speak to our dental team for help.

The Different Types of Dentures Explained

If you are thinking about getting dentures in University Heights, OH, you probably want to know what your options are first…right? The good news is there are lots of different types of dentures available. So, there is something for everyone.

Let’s go over your options. Then you can decide which one is best for you.

The Different Types of Dentures Explained

Dentures are custom-made artificial teeth. Here are the different types of dentures available. Your dentist in University Heights, OH, will answer all your questions and then make a recommendation based on your specific situation.

Full Dentures

Full dentures are a complete set of upper and lower teeth. They sit on the top of your gums and replace an entire arch of missing teeth. Full dentures use either your palate or the ridge of your jawbone (depending on whether they are uppers or lowers) to hold them in place.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used when you are only missing a few teeth. Partials also sit on the top of your gums and use your palate and jawbone for support. In addition, they have clasps that hook around your natural teeth for extra support.

Temporary Dentures

Temporary dentures are also called immediate dentures. They are used for temporary tooth/teeth replacements after tooth extractions or oral surgery until you are fitted with your permanent dentures or dental implants. Wearing temporary dentures gives your jaw time to heal while still allowing you to eat.

Fixed Bridge

A fixed bridge denture cements an artificial tooth and crown to one of your natural teeth. Since they are cemented in, they are not removable.

Snap-On Dentures

Snap-on dentures are removable implant-supported dentures. They have removable crowns that can be snapped into the posts of your dental implants.

Implant-Supported Fixed Dentures

Implant-supported fixed dentures are kept in place by a dental implant. These are sometimes called permanent dentures. They are not removable. And they don’t snap in and out like snap-on dentures. Only your dentist can remove them. These are great for people who don’t want to deal with removable types of dentures.

Looking for a Dentist in University Heights, OH?

Getting your smile back is pretty much priceless! So, regardless of which type of dentures you choose, you will be able to smile confidently again. Please Contact Innovative Smiles today to schedule an exam. We love making people smile! And we’ll do the same for you too!