3 Things to Know About Maintaining Implants

If you’re missing a tooth, your dentist may recommend dental implants to fill the gap and restore your smile. Dental implants are a very popular type of prosthetic tooth because they look natural and they function much like your other natural teeth.

Once your dental implant is installed, your dentist at Innovative Smiles will tell you what you need to know about maintaining your dental implant. Taking good care of your implant can help you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Dental Implants Need Regular Brushing

Dental implants need to be brushed regularly, just like your natural teeth. To brush your dental implants, you’ll use a non-abrasive toothpaste. Watch out for toothpaste designed for smokers, stain-removing toothpaste, products containing activated charcoal or baking soda, and toothpaste that says they’re made for whitening or brightening your smile. These toothpastes can scratch up your dental implant, causing permanent damage to the surface of the crown.

2. You’ll Visit Your Dentist Twice Annually

Continue to visit the dentist twice annually after your implants are installed. During your visits, the dentist will inspect your implants for signs of damage, and if they are damaged, your dentist will recommend repairs or replacement, depending on the problem.

During your visits with the dentist, you’ll also be given an opportunity to ask questions about how to maintain your dental implants. Your dentist will show you how to brush and floss around your implants to ensure that they’re well cared for.

3. Know the Signs of a Problem

Once your dental implant is installed, it’s important to know the signs of a problem. If your dental implant starts to fail, here’s what you can expect:

  • Pain around the site of the implant
  • Swelling or discomfort around the implant
  • Gum recession around the implant
  • Implant is loose

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, this could be a sign that your dental implant is failing. If this happens, it’s time to see the dentist.

3 Signs Your Oral Hygiene Habits Aren’t Working

You try to take good care of your teeth, but how can you tell if your efforts are working? Your dentist at Innovative Smiles can help you determine whether your oral hygiene habits are sufficient to care for your teeth. Below are some signs that your oral hygiene routines aren’t quite working.

1. Buildup of Plaque and Tartar

Cleaning your teeth should get rid of the sticky residue left on tooth enamel by the food you eat. If you’re not cleaning your teeth sufficiently, some of that sticky residue will remain, even after you brush your teeth.

Over time, this can result in plaque and tartar buildup on your tooth enamel. If your dentist and hygienist are finding a great deal of plaque and tartar on your teeth, this is an indication that your toothbrushing habits need some work. Have your dentist give you a tutorial during your next dental exam and cleaning.

2. Bad Breath

Bad breath can happen when you eat certain foods, but if your breath is routinely bad – even after you brush your teeth – this could be an indication that you have gum disease or cavities. Get a check-up with the dentist to find out if something is going wrong, and if so, what you can do to prevent that from happening in the future.

3. Gum Disease and Cavities

Gum disease and cavities can happen when there’s a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. If your dentist is regularly finding cavities when you come in for a checkup, or if you’ve been diagnosed with gum disease, it may be time to change how you’re taking care of your teeth. You may need to brush your teeth more regularly, and possibly see the dentist more often. Your dentist can tell you what the next steps should be.

Time for a Dental Exam? Make An Appointment Today

Your dentist at Innovative Smiles can tell you whether your oral hygiene routines are working. It’s important to see the dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and check up, so if you haven’t seen the dentist in the last six months, make your appointment today.

4 Ways to Avoid Dental Stains

Dental stains can be disappointing, especially when you feel like you’re going to a lot of trouble to take good care of your teeth. You can avoid dental stains by following advice from your dentist in University Heights, we’ve got lots of ideas to keep your teeth clean and white the whole year round. Here’s what you need to know about maintaining whiter, more beautiful teeth.

1. Know Which Foods Stain Your Teeth

Knowing which foods can stain your teeth is helpful if you’re hoping to keep your teeth white and healthy. Some of the foods to look out for include:

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Red wine
  • Tomato-based sauces
  • Beets
  • Berries

2. Swish With Water After Eating Staining Foods

You don’t have to avoid foods that stain in order to keep your teeth white, but if you swish with water after drinking or eating something that can stain your teeth, you can help your teeth stay whiter.

Just keep water on hand while you’re eating, especially if you’re eating foods that will stain your teeth, and then drink water throughout the meal. Swish with water in your mouth to wash away some of the foods that might otherwise be sticking to your tooth enamel.

3. Get Your Teeth Whitened

One way that you can get your teeth whiter and more beautiful is by having your teeth professionally whitened in University Heights, OH. At State Valley Dental, we offer professional teeth whitening in our office. With our teeth whitening service, you can get your teeth professionally whitened to be several shades lighter than they are currently.

4. Consider Veneers or Crowns

Dental veneers are designed to cover up stains on your teeth to make your tooth enamel look whiter and brighter. Dental veneers can also make your teeth look more uniform in shape, which is helpful if your teeth are currently chipped or damaged.

Call today to make an appointment or to speak to one of our dental professionals.